Director’s Message
Instruction includes not just the raising and preparing of a kid, yet additionally the fortifying of the forces of the body and brain with which the kid is conceived. This is an essential piece of improvement of the resources lying lethargic in people.
It is the maxim of "Gurukul Public School" to confer Quality Education that helps the understudies to become familiar with the upsides of respectability and trustworthiness, to think reasonably and to judge legitimately. In this establishment we accept that quest for information isn't the solitary point of instruction. Setting up of the youngster with realities identified with Science, Literature, History and Geography is pointless until we can show the kid how to utilize this information. Consequently, procurement of information from books isn't sufficient. One should be helped how to change and shape this information to suit one's need. Information should be procured with the mission of utilizing it's difficult for one's own advantage yet additionally for the elevate of the general public and flourishing of the country.
However accomplishment in life is a definitive objective of schooling, yet achievement isn't to be accomplished at the expense of the essential qualities. Individual who can appropriately get what is to be accomplished and what is to be deserted is fit to be characterized as a man of character. Subsequently "Calcutta Public School" targets developing the person and character of the understudies, for we accept that the pith of training lies in the advancement of a balanced character that consolidates the ideals of solidarity and quietude. Indeed, a kid, similar to a seed, has a heap of resources covered up in him. It is the educator, the landscaper who needs to sustain, secure and assist the youngster with developing request to be a productive member of society.